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Best Zero Calorie Coffee Sweetener

jordan's skinny syrups zero calorie coffee sweetener

My husband and I started really drinking coffee after our daughter was born. There is just something about the sweet smell of coffee throughout the house when you are sleep deprived and about to pull out all of your hair! However, since we were new to the “coffee game” we quickly realized that we were not as hardcore as our parents. We were going to need to sweeten it up! So we started looking around every time we went to the store and trying different products to see what we liked. Eventually, we found Jordan’s Skinny Syrups, and we honestly have never looked back! This is honestly the best zero calorie coffee sweetener we have found. You can’t even tell that it is zero calorie! There are tons of different flavors, but here are my top three!

#1 – Mocha

Mocha is one of my favorite flavors to have in a coffee! I tend to like this flavor the most in regular hot coffee, as I think it pairs the best with the more “bitter” flavors. This is one of the stronger flavors from Jordan’s Skinny Syrups, as it doesn’t take much to get the job done!

#2 – Salted Caramel

Ahh, who doesn’t love salted caramel!? This is easily one of the best flavors out there no matter how you are able to consume it! I really like this zero calorie coffee syrup in my iced coffee. I have tried other caramel sweeteners before, but the salted caramel just makes such a big difference! If you love iced coffee like I do, I have a nice and simple iced coffee recipe that uses this syrup.

#3 Peanut Butter Cup

I save this for when I am needing that extra kick! I like this best with a generic black coffee that has little flavor to begin with. It is a strong dessert flavor so pairing it with an already flavored coffee can sometimes be a bit much. But, this can give that afternoon cup of coffee just enough of a kick to help me finish out my day.

What coffee is best to pair with these syrups?

During our quest to figure out if we would ever like coffee (we have all been there…) we tried so many different brands and flavors. We honestly felt like any kind worked really well with Jordan’s Skinny Syrups! However, our current favorite is Cameron Brand, either the Highlander Grog or the Chocolate Caramel Brownie. I think you can tell by now that we like our coffee to taste sweet! But, how awesome is it that these truly do have zero calories and zero sugar! So worth it.

MUST HAVE if you’re going to purchase these!

The first day we bought these we were so excited to try them when we got home from the store! So we got home, opened everything up, and then realized we were stuck. While this may seem obvious to others, we had totally forgot to buy any pumps! We purchased Torani and Davinci pumps. These pumps worked perfectly, and I think they match the color scheme of Jordan’s Skinny Syrups so well that we leave them out on our coffee bar all day.

I think you can tell that I have been really impressed with Jordan’s Skinny Syrups as the best zero calorie coffee sweetener that money can buy. If you have any questions or comments on other flavors that I haven’t tried yet, please comment below!

